Missing Information Surveys

Are your underwriters consumed with work? Does it take weeks to hear back from an agent regarding additional information requested for a new or renewing policy? Did you just find out that your percentage of Homeowner and Auto credits seem high but you have no efficient system to review them? Undisclosed drivers have been located however; additional information is required before they can be added to the policy. URI has developed an extremely user friendly process where 'bits and pieces' of information can be requested on a single policy at a time.

You no longer have to wonder if you are giving a credit to someone that doesn't qualify, you can efficiently request Good Student Documentation, increase processing efficiencies of your underwriters and much more by logging into our Web Portal, enter the contact information select the pre-determined question or freehand a very policy specific question, click save and it is automatically entered into URI's Calling Unit with a typical turnaround time of 2 – 3 days!

This program allows you the flexibility to address those pesky policy specific questions and policy discount validation issues without sacrificing your agents or underwriters valuable time. Get off risks that are now undesirable, properly rate for undisclosed drivers and or remove a premium wasting discount that is no longer valid. Give it a try, the set up is simple taking only a few days to begin.

A few of the key areas identified in this system comprise of:

  • Does home have a working and active monitored fire/burglar alarm? (Obtain Certificate)
  • Need Drivers License and DOB of driver developed